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In Guy Ritchie’s newest British gangster film, The Gentlemen, sartorial elegance and style are a driving method of his compelling story line. In fact, there’s a conversation mid-film about this exact topic. Ritchie went ahead and hired DC universe costume designer Michael Wilkinson to tend to the rich elegance of British Sartorial fashion on the big screen. He made most ensembles from scratch, including most of the main cast. In particular, the costume team designed and manufactured the plaid tracksuits worn by the Toddlers, a gang in the movie. “We based them on classic English suiting fabrics, which we then enlarged, made more vibrant and printed onto a modern quilted technical fabric” Wilkinson explains. This process, while sounding simple, is actually quite a project. The attention to detail and excess of British gangster class are on full display in The Gentlemen.




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